The one thing you need in order to manage any moment.
To move through any tough or even easy decision.
To deal with ‘that’ person.
Is self-trust.
Not trust in others.
Not guaranteed results.
Not managing their emotions or responses to you.
Not making more money.
Not anything other than self-trust.
I define self-trust as knowing, that no matter what circumstance yourself in happens… or who you find yourself dealing with you trust YOU to figure it out.
Your dependence isn’t on a feeling.
It’s not on their choices.
It’s not on their responses.
Just You trusting You.
Because you always have you.
I’ve had thousands of conversations with clients and friends and family.
And here’s what I for sure see in every conversation.
The gap… between where you are and where you want to be (or think you should be) …masquerades as a circumstance you didn’t see coming or someone else’s behavior that upsets you or an unknown you want to predict or control.
But all of these get so much less potent when you deeply… I mean at the roots of your personal power and life’s meaning … know you can handle your way through it.
You trust yourself to find your next step… and then after that you’ll find the next one… and then after that you’ll find the next one.
Trust in yourself is the one superpower we all must hone, develop and constantly sharpen if we’re to live the life of our dreams.
So before you take one more class or buy one more hour of coaching or hire one more expert…. Sit with this question.
What would I do if I trusted myself, no matter what, to always know how to handle the moment?
Who would I be if I implicitly trusted myself, always?
You cannot control others… so stop trying… instead focus on how you’ll respond if the work, agreement, relationship doesn’t add up.
You cannot control anyone or anything other than yourself… once you’ve made peace with this… and how much you have your own back… difficultly fades… and simplicity materializes.
Self-trust isn’t something you try. It isn’t something you feel.
It’s something you believe.
I trust myself to do the next best thing. Because I trust myself to take the next best action, make the next best decision no matter what the next outcome is in my life or business.
I am trustworthy.
I trust myself.
No one will ever know better… than me.