I’m done.
I realize that there’s a lot of discovery people have made about who they are and why they are the way they are.
Especially lately.
We’ve all got some sort of condition, syndrome, disorder, etc…
I realize there has been so much horrific trauma that people have lived through.
I realize that so many of us are moving through our days in haze of pain, worry, and fear that drives a unique cocktail of numbness and also angst and dread.
I realize that each of us is wrangling memories, mental illness, physical limitations, and so much more that impact our daily movements and choices.
So, my point here is not to invalidate the very real lives that all of us have lived in our own unique patterns and circumstances.
And here’s my position on it all.
I get it.
I understand it was and or may still feel hard.
But to continue to say you want something in your life but not choose to take the action to create it… THAT is where I draw the line.
Too often people ask for help.
Sign up.
Raise their hand.
Go to the workshop.
Buy the book…
Pay the money...
Whatever it is…
Claiming to really, really, really want a thing… a goal… a dream.
But then… as soon as they get a bit closer to actually taking real, in the world action… they shut it down.
Nope…. That won’t work.
Nope… I can’t access the material.
Nope…. It doesn’t make sense.
Nope … That teacher isn’t for me.
Nope… You don’t understand how it is for me and people in MY industry.
Nope… You don’t get what it’s like as a creative or a scientist or a pragmatist or an optimist or a perpetual negativist.
Nope… I’m just not like that.
Nope… It’s just a lot harder for people like me.
And then… Worse yet… They FIGHT to keep their limitations.
Literally argue with tons and tons of pre-loaded evidence that proves how much they CANNOT achieve the very dream/goal they say they want sooooooooo much.
I’ve often said to some clients who dip into this hole… how much longer do you want to pay me to fight to keep this problem?
And usually, they either quit me… because ew, who wants to hear that :) or they realize the limits they’ve placed on their own potential.
I’m absolutely done with the rabbit holes people have dug for ALL THE REASONS WHY they can’t succeed. If they worked as hard on how to succeed as they do on why they can’t succeed, they’d be on top of the world they so consistently claim to want so much.
AND, by the way, I’m also done….
With the people who claim to love these people.
Who hold never ending space for their excuses.
Who placate them like children and tell them they’ll figure it out... who fill them up with how talented they are…
Stop. It.
Placating the dreamer and tolerating their inaction by believing their reasons is actually HURTING them.
Two reasons.
First… you’re lying to them and you know it. You’re placating them because you don’t know what else to say anymore. They’ve brought you the same excuses for years and you’ve run out of ways to try and encourage them through their bullshit.
AND… you’re teaching them that the world needs to be nice and understanding and hopeful and supportive…. So that when they meet a person (like me for instance) who challenges the little nice-but-don’t-take-action- bubble they’ve been living in… they feel reproached. They dig in. They think being held accountable to achieving what they say they will achieve is an affront… and not love..
I believe holding people to account to their commitments… especially the ones they make to THEMSELVES… is love.
Total and complete love.
I love you enough to believe in you even when you don’t.
I love you enough to remind you of the beautiful dream you dreamt that you are now talking yourself out of.
I love you so much that I will not indulge the lies you tell yourself and the narrative you keep curating that makes your limited living okay and tolerable.
We have to stop.
All of us.
I realize we all have our own limitations.
And I also realize there are more examples than can be counted or shared here of people who dealt with way worse shit than anyone reading this and they accomplished their dreams.
How do you account for that?
Were they lucky?
Are they the exception?
Maybe… just maybe… they had someone in their life who didn’t indulge their bullshit narrative…. And as a result, they stopped believing in it too.
Kris Plachy is the Founder of The Visionary.CEO.
She hosts the Leadership is Feminine Podcast and works exclusively with Female Founders and Business Owners